
6 Ιαν 2018

Jehovah’s Witnesses and their assemblages. What happens in these

Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

Hall of Kingdomin Austria. The place where congregate Jehovah's Witnesses

e have repeatedly reported on the control of thought, that is exercised by the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses to its followers, thereby not only to obey blindly his teachings and commands, as much as absurd to be those, e.g. the non transfusion of blood, but and the complete lack of freedom of thought and criticism...

In what way, then, the Company succeeds and exerts this control? Too simple. Obliges them to be present every week in five concentrations, so they are not left much time to think and analyze, to what they hear at these concentrations. Just swallow unchewed what they offered, and top with they have the illusion that with this way they serve Jehovah and they are promoting his work! If you add to this the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses have a profession to live, as you can imagine, their time becomes hopelessly less or almost zeroed. Let's look in what concentrations are obliged to be present the fans of the organization, in order to get some flavor of his operation, but in addition will help us to understand a little, thinking and behavior of Jehovah's Witnesses.
“Congregation Bible Study”; It is in the building of their congregations called «Hall of the Kingdom». There, the group of Jehovah's Witnesses concentrate and reads some printed matter of the Company, which - supposedly they analyze and explains the Bible. But this group gives answers, not from personal thought, research and knowledge of the Bible, but on the basis of the matter set forth in the numbered paragraphs and pages of the form issued by the group, as well as with questions that are at the end of page of each printed matter. Substantially i.e., these paragraphs and questions direct their participants, where the Company wishes. Let's take an example to make ourselves understood.
For example, the group has concentrated to examine the person of Jesus, before becoming human and come to earth. It is used the material by the printed form of the Organization «Live Forever». In Chapter 6 of this printed form under the heading «Jesus Christ-Sent by God?» and on page 58, paragraph 4, we read; So before being born on earth as a man Jesus had been in heaven as a mighty spirit person. He had a spirit body invisible to man, just as God has. (John 4:24)”. Well, what tells us the above paragraph? That Christ, before becoming human was a powerful spiritual person and he had exactly the same spiritual body, as his father. For verification of his claims, this printed form, refers also and to the Gospel of John, chapter 4, verse 24. Here we go to read this particular passage from the Gospel of John, in which - according to the organization - will writes that Christ and his father have a spiritual body, invisible to human eyes. And to be completely objective, we will use the New Testament of the organization, called «New World Translation of the Christian Scriptures» (NWT). Let's see well, what it writes the NWT, in John 4:24; “God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.” So what John says? That God is spirit. Nor to spiritual bodies writes of Christ and of his Father, or other blithely, which the Organization argues and writes.
Well, if Jehovah's Witnesses were actually knowledgeable and researchers of the Bible - as they like to boast - they will not were leaving toget pastsuch a huge lie. But, how they can react individuals, in which - with the daily "brainwashed" submitted - not left even a minimal possibility of free and critical thought!
Prior to January 1, 2009, this assemblage was called “Congregation Book Study” and usually was done in a home of one Jehovah's Witness, who - in most cases - happened to be an important member of the Organization. The house, in which was becoming the «Congregation Book Study», was the place where were gathering and then they were going to proselytize from house to house, that they call it «ministry or field service». It was also the place where were gathered to recount and exchange their experience”, i.e. the unexpected events that were occurring during the proselytism and how they confronted them.
Theocratic Ministry School”; It is an aggregation, in which Jehovah's Witnesses trained to approach and proselytize of unsuspecting people who they will open the door of their house or they will want to have a dialogue with them. In each trainee conferred speeches” and “exercises”, which are accompanied by detailed instructions for the material to be used. The “Watchtower” has supplied printed matter in which provided and the minutest detail.
Service Meeting”: The assemblage is similar to the Theocratic Ministry

School”. In the matter of this assemblage, contained and “demonstrations” in natural scenes, such as a scene in secular work, the work from door to door, a Bible study or a family discussion. In essence, that is, they are playing theater stages, pretending to be from another religion the one, and Jehovah's Witness the other one, who approaches him to proselytize him. The “roles” for this assemblage been allocated from much time and there is no room for issues that have not been provided by the Organization. The program is completely controlled until the last minute. The material of this aggregation is based on instructions, which are given in a monthly brochure, entitled «Our Kingdom Ministry».
These three gatherings conducted one evening a week and they are lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes. The first part of the program “Congregation Bible Study” lasts 25 minutes. The "Theocratic Ministry School" takes 30 minutes and the "Service Meeting" 35 minutes.
Bible Discourse”; This assemblage is conducted before the "Watchtower Study" and is made by local talkers or by visitors from another city or region. These speeches derived from material of issues and print projects that has supplied the organization itself. Many times the speaker uses a book of the Company “Watchtower”, explaining to the audience his various pages and his didactic images. At the end of his speech, he makes a reminder about what's going to be said next week. Of course, all these gatherings are intended to implant in the hearts of fans, the ideology of the organization, to persuade” them for the “urgency of the times” and to encourage them for “work”.
Watchtower Study”; It is the main assemblage of Jehovah's Witnesses, in which is being used a specific article, which is published in the official journal of the Organization, the “Watchtower”. This article is known about a month ago. The respect whom Jehovah's Witnesses they have for the magazine “Watchtower” is unlimited and beyond imagination! It is considered as “the uncovered truth of Jehovah”, which must in any way to acquire, even if it must to be hung! Yes, you read well! Nor we do pun, nor metaphorically speaking. Quite literally. Here's the proof. It's from the “Watchtower”, August 1, 1963, p. 467. He writes word for word: «Think! Is our own faith so strong that we would risk being hanged to obtain the latest issue of The Watchtower»?. Here are also and the document for any doubting Thomases”;
Surviving Through Faith
Think! Is our own faith so strong that we would risk being hanged to obtain the latest issue of The Watchtower? Have we built up our faith to the point where we are confident of withstanding any test that the final assault of Gog of Magog may bring upon us? The day may come when it will be very difficult to meet together, even as our brothers met such trials in Nazi concentration camps, and as others are meeting them in Soviet camps today.

Watchtower”, August 1, 1963, p. 467; The Jehovah's Witnesses must to be hung if necessary, to obtain the latest issue of The Watchtower.

The Watchtower Study” is made ​​in the same manner as conducted the "Congregation Bible Study". Only here should be to elaborate of a given material and the Company requires precision in time. That is why there is no time to refer to the Bible, in order to seek the verses cited by the “Watchtower” and usually come from the «New World Translation of the Christian Scriptures» (NWT). Once again namely they swallow without chewing what is being offered. And the “Watchtower Study” and “Bible Discourse” are conducted over the weekend.

In “Watchtower”, July 1, 1999, p. 18 we read that it is open the participation of Jehovah's Witnesses all ages, in the gatherings and even it gives great pleasure to the participants. Writes specifically the “Watchtower: «Both older ones and ‘young men and virgins’ were encouraged to share in praising the name of Jehovah. (Psalm 148:12, 13) Similar arrangements apply within the Christian congregation. In Kingdom Halls throughout the earth, men, women, and children participate freely in sessions that involve the audience, and many find great pleasure in having a share.—Hebrews 10:23-25.» Indeed, the "Watchtower" does not fail to support and scriptural in congregations the free participation of Jehovah's Witnesses by referring in the Hebrews Letter of the Apostle Paul: «Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near.» Hebrews 10:23-25;
Families, Praise God as Part of His Congregation
WORSHIP of Jehovah includes not only prayer and study of the Bible at home but also activity as part of the congregation of God. Ancient Israel was commanded to “congregate the people, the men and the women and the little ones,” to learn the law of God so as to walk in his way. (Deuteronomy 31:12; Joshua 8:35) Both older ones and ‘young men and virgins’ were encouraged to share in praising the name of Jehovah. (Psalm 148:12, 13) Similar arrangements apply within the Christian congregation. In Kingdom Halls throughout the earth, men, women, and children participate freely in sessions that involve the audience, and many find great pleasure in having a share.—Hebrews 10:23-25.

Watchtower”, July 1, 1999, p. 18; Free participation of Jehovah's Witnesses in the gatherings.

But is it so? They are indeed free and voluntary the participation of Jehovah's Witnesses in the gatherings of “Watchtower”? Of course not! Once again we are witnessing of the contradictory and hypocritical attitude of the organization, because what it says on the one hand, negate it, always at their convenience” and her benefit! “One in the nail and one in a horseshoe” as he says our wise people, is the endearing tactic of Organization. Thus, in the “Watchtower”, November 15, 1999, p. 20, we read that the participation of Jehovah's Witnesses in the gatherings of “Watchtower” is mandatory! Indeed, a little up on the same page, to show that the participation in gatherings is mandatory, as an example brings the ancient Israel and writes that anyone Israelite did not keep the Easter should be put to death;

Are You Fulfilling Your Whole Obligation to God?
Ancient Israel was a nation dedicated to God, and under the Law covenant, its people had obligations before Jehovah. For instance, all males were to assemble for three annual festivals, and a man who deliberately did not keep the Passover was “cut off” in death. (Numbers 9:13; Leviticus 23:1-43; Deuteronomy 16:16) To fulfill their obligation to God as his dedicated people, the Israelites had to gather for worship. (Deuteronomy 31:10-13) Nothing in the Law said, ‘Do this if you can fit it into your life.’ For those now dedicated to Jehovah, surely this adds weight to Paul’s words: “Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24, 25) Yes, regularly assembling with fellow believers is part of a dedicated Christian’s obligation to God.

Watchtower”, November 15, 1999, p. 20; Mandatory the participation in gatherings of Jehovah's Witnesses.

And the ... “freedom” of participation of Jehovah's Witnesses of all ages in their congregations, reaches its apogee in the “Watchtower” of 1960. Before we mention what writes the “Watchtower” 1960, it is good to remind a part from what the Organization wrote in the “Watchtower”, July 1, 1999, p. 18; «…In Kingdom Halls throughout the earth, men, women, and children participate freely in sessions that involve the audience, and many find great pleasure in having a share». Let's go now to the Watchtower”, January 15, 1960, p. 49, to see what is urging itself the Organization to the parents on the ... “free” participation of children of Jehovah's Witnesses in congregations. We copy word for word what she wrote and then we will quote and the document from the “Watchtower”; «The wise parent … When it comes to meeting time, he appreciates that it is not a matter of asking the children, Would you like to come along? Or of suggesting to them, Do you feel too tired tonight, deary? Nor does he take them along just because there is no one at home to look after them. He does not leave the children at home for fear they may be too noisy at the meeting. He takes the little ones to the meeting, whether they want to go or not, and if they misbehave, he corrects them, not by bribing them with candies, but by applying a good spanking as needed».  These then are the commands given by the Organization to the parents for the... “free” participation of children in the gatherings. To take them by force and to sit down judiciously, to snapping in the wood their children! Here is and the document;

The Happy Family of the Wonder-working God
The wise parent today keeps his children close by him. He is interested in them, and regularly studies the Bible with them at home. He follows all the wise counsel of God’s Word, in properly training his children. When it comes to meeting time, he appreciates that it is not a matter of asking the children, Would you like to come along? Or of suggesting to them, Do you feel too tired tonight, deary? Nor does he take them along just because there is no one at home to look after them. He does not leave the children at home for fear they may be too noisy at the meeting. He takes the little ones to the meeting, whether they want to go or not, and if they misbehave, he corrects them, not by bribing them with candies, but by applying a good spanking as needed. They soon understand that they are there to listen and to learn.—Prov. 13:24; 23:13, 14; Deut. 4:9, 10.

Watchtower”, January 15, 1960, p. 49; The JWs to spank their children to sit quietly in the gatherings.

No, further ... freedom, dear Jehovah's Witnesses. It’s enough so!

The organization, to printed matter, which accompanies and with photographs, extols the wonderful atmosphere of the gatherings. Happy Jehovah's Witnesses, dressed “in good clothes”, with a smile that reaches up to the ears, showing the tremendous joy, who have the privilege - as they say - to take part in them and benefit spiritually (thus they claim ). The same and even better, they declare several visitors - not Jehovah's Witnesses - visiting these concentrations. Are impressed - according always with the “Watchtower” - from the friendly mood that the Jehovah's Witnesses show, from love that they distinguish between the Martyrs, from the wonderful speeches and benefit of the soul who hear, in short, they live a real Paradise on earth!
Certainly all the above, that described, is for the clueless and those who do not know what is really happening within the Organization, which also they constitute the “showcase”, which will trap the unsuspecting victim, who naively trusted them.
Let's see now, however, how - in the reality - Jehovah's Witnesses are facing these gatherings, watching behind the showcase”. And you do not need to use our own printed matter, which not only would not be accepted by Jehovah's Witnesses, but probably would accused us as passionate sycophants! Be well the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, which supplies us so many printed matter, about what actually happens in these gatherings. We just had the patience, we searched, we found and present them to you.
So, in the assemblages of Jehovah's Witnesses, the sleep is a common phenomenon! According to the "Watchtower", February 15, 1961, p. 121, if the talker is not good and does not say anything interesting, but says things that have been retold, then the sleep is expanding! And since, as you know, every time they say and repeat the same things, imagine the sleep of listeners;

The Art of Public Bible Speaking
Yet, on the other hand, he may not ignore the fact that 95 percent of his audience may be fellow ministers, or they will become restive or fall asleep, for they may have heard this subject discussed time and again. He must therefore work hard to give his material added interest by its seeming freshness. This he can do by using other than the most common proof texts, by finding new quotations from the public press and secular authorities, as well as by strengthening his logic, improving his coherence and making his relevance more outstanding. He can also impart freshness and interest to his remarks by speaking with earnestness, conviction and enthusiasm, by really putting his heart into his talk.

Watchtower”, February 15, 1961, p. 121; JWs are sleeping in the gatherings.

The gatherings are so wearisome, so the young people getting up and they leave and turn around in the other rooms of «Kingdom Halls» to spend some time. In the document that we publish and it is from the “Watchtower”, June 15, 1961, p. 365, seems once again ... the “freedom” that we said above and the Organization demonstrates. Because, it threatens young people that if they do not comply and do not stop leaving the aggregation wandering from here and there, will be lost in Armageddon!

Manifesting Christian Manners
And you young people, what about your Christian manners? Do they show that you know your place and that you appreciate that you come to the congregation meeting place to listen and to learn? Bad manners show a lack of respect for Jehovah God, for his Word, for his congregation and for your elders, including your parents. Some of you have the bad habit of repeatedly running out to the rest rooms during meetings. You, no doubt, acquired this habit from the juvenile delinquents with whom you are obliged to rub elbows in the public schools and who use it as a means to give expression to their frustration and rebellion. Beware of imitating them! You know they will perish at Armageddon, while you hope to survive it and live through it into the new world, do you not?—1 Cor. 15:33.

Watchtower”, June 15, 1961, p. 365; Young JWs are wandering aimlessly at the hour of assemblages.

In "Watchtower", July 15, 1974, p. 440, we are witnessing of the ... respect”, showing young children, in the gathering place of Jehovah's Witnesses, that is to say in «Kingdom Halls». They stick chewing gum on the seats, write on walls or in various furniture! I wonder, this attitude is the result of the ... higherand moralregimen they took from their parents, i.e. the Jehovah's Witnesses, the innocent doves andsinlesson earth? Anyone happen to read the printed matter of Jehovah's Witnesses, will come vomiting to him by the hate, “bile” and venom that are pouring against all of us and our children, because they happen that we are not Jehovah's Witnesses. So according to these forms, we and our children are immoral, gangsters” and sexually abnormal characters, while their
own children - the ... well-bred” - are morally and honestly and “they respectthe space that hosts them, sticking chewing gum and writing on the walls and to the furniture;

The Godly Qualities of Love and Hate
Love “does not behave indecently.” Other translations say, Love is not “rude,” “does not shock people.” (New English Bible; Byington) There are many things that are strikingly indecent, such as fornication, uncleanness and fits of anger. (Rom. 13:13) However, have you ever considered that poor manners are indecent or rude? For example, children are often allowed to dominate a conversation with adults present, or to interfere with such by running around noisily. Sometimes they stick chewing gum on chairs or write on walls or on the furniture in a Christian meeting hall. Can this type of behavior be classified as anything but indecent? Parents who love their children do not allow them to “behave indecently” even in these ways.—Compare Deuteronomy 23:14.

Watchtower”, July 15, 1974, p. 440: Small children of Jehovah's Witnesses, they stick gum on the seats, write on the walls or on the various furniture of the “Kingdom Halls”.

For the end, we left the Watchtower”, December 1, 1961, pp. 707-708, which summarizes the general conduct of Jehovah's Witnesses, when they participate in their congregations of their Organization celebrating at the same time their religious duties. Well, some of Jehovah's Witnesses go in these always belated, others they roam to the corridors and others are dozing or sleeping completely! (I wonder, they have not a home to sleep, they found the «Kingdom Halls»);

Are You Considerate of Others?
Others who serve us and who deserve more than our usual consideration are teachers, lecturers and ministers of God. Habitual latecomers to classes or meetings, doodlers or people who indifferently allow themselves to fall fast asleep or to drowse during lecture periods or religious services are usually lacking in consideration. Also, those who mill around in the corridors during assembly sessions, when they should be seated listening, display this same disregard for the speaker as well as for what is said.

Watchtower”, December 1, 1961, pp. 707 – 708; JWs roam in the corridors or are sleeping at the time of the gatherings

So this is the bitter” truth about what really happens in the gatherings of the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, behind the showcase”.
Writer Christos Pal

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