Translated from
the originals by Chris Tsilikas
It’s easier to get rid of leeches than of Jehovah’s Witnesses
We will neither break fresh ground nor “carry
coals to Newcastle”
when we talk about the well-known persistence of Jehovah’s Witnesses in
trapping innocent victims and trying to convert them to unpaid life-long salespeople
of the issues of the American publishing company “The Watchtower”. And this
persistence and importunity sometimes infringes on the limits of decency and
touches the limits of paranoia to such a degree that they become real “leeches (1)”, which it is extremely difficult to get
rid of...
And before any of our readers hastes to accuse us of slander,
it would be worthwhile to read the following letter sent to us by our reader
Dimitra, who had the bad luck to live in the same block of flats with a couple
of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We need to
mention that she wrote to us to ask for advice, for ways or tricks in order to
get rid of these irritating “leeches”. Anyway, we believe that Dimitra’s case
is not the only one. Lots of our readers must have had similar or even worse
stories to tell us. What we want to stress in the following letter apart from
the importunity of Jehovah’s Witnesses is the disclosure of their hypocrisy and
of their so-called social pretensions.
Dimitra’s letter follows:
“First of all I would like to inform you that my name
is Dimitra and I live in Athens
with my family. Although my parents are Christian they have never attended the Mass
at Church, especially my father, who didn’t believe in God in general, but he
only believed in Science. So what I know about Christianity is what I have
managed to learn by myself.
You see,
I have always had an issue with my internal pursuit and I have spent hours upon
hours reading books by Paulo Coelho. I would never describe myself as a
fanatical Christian or anything like that because I really know nothing about
Christianity! However, the truth is that I have been trying and I may have known
by now how to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil.
I have
been looking for information on Jehovah’s Witnesses for quite a long time
because a few months ago we rented a flat and then we found out that the owners
were Jehovah’s Witnesses. At first we didn’t pay any attention to that and we
didn’t care about it.
from the beginning they asked us to follow them to their gatherings in the
King’s Hall as they call the building where they gather. We kindly rejected
their invitation but they kept asking! After a lot of efforts they made to drag
us there, my husband finally managed to make them understand that we don’t want
to go.
tried to get to know us better, but still I noticed quite a few odd behaviors
as far as the honesty they said they had was concerned. They kept asking quite
a lot of indiscrete questions about our personal life to such a degree that we
felt uncomfortable and we dodged contacts with them as much as we could.
often than not the woman also asks my child to play with hers and I am always
trying to find an excuse which is quite tiring for a mother. From what I see,
or by instinct if you want, their stiff smiles and their “love” and their suits
and ties in shipshape, all these make me believe that things are not the way
they describe and show, so reading your articles has helped me get a better
From the
few things I have managed to understand I think they are a low-educated couple
although they are young, and a woman with suppressed impulses and feelings and
serious problems. Unfortunately, their kid lives in a glass tower and he’s not
allowed to watch comics because as they claim they are filled with swears.
I could
not believe my ears when I first heard that. I really want to avoid all
contacts with these people, and I’m sure they have known it by now, because I
think that the whole environment around them is diseased, and what is more
tragic is that their actions do not coincide with their words. We hear them
arguing and shouting at one another and at their kid almost every day; yet,
they present the image of a ‘happily’ married couple to the world. The surface
is different from
my opinion about them is not good, although we had tried to get to know them
better as we don’t like to stigmatize people and we really respect other
people’s beliefs, as long as they don’t violate our own beliefs.
They have
made us feel uncomfortable a lot of times when asking personal questions, in
the scope of honesty as they have been telling us over and over again. We are really
tired of hearing that.
problem is that since they live next door they come over our house quite often
for different things, for a favor, for some help with the Internet because they
don’t know anything about computers and the Internet and so on so forth. This
lady gets into my house under the slightest pretense, even just to check I’m
all right!
Sometimes I feel she is more than
suppressed and dejected and she always asks for alcohol. She talks relentlessly
about her husband and how disappointed she is and I feel uncomfortable. Her
educational level is low as I said earlier and the things she tells me
sometimes touch the levels of stupidity.
The truth
is that they say and unsay all the time and quite often they fool us right before
our eyes; we’ve caught them telling lies hundreds of times.
husband and I are thinking of leaving our house in order to get rid of them,
because among all the above there are a lot of other things that do not cover
us. For example, we haven’t signed a contract for renting the house, they do
not give us a receipt for the money we give them for the rent or for anything
else so, we are at a loose end; they have arranged everything to their own
The truth
is I have had a hunch about them and when I came across your blog I was shocked
as far as the child molesters they are sheltering are concerned because right
from the beginning I didn’t want my son to go to their house to play, but how
many excuses can one make up?
And I
find it ironic that their posts on Facebook are against child molesters and
against those who do not respect human life!!!!
didn’t even respect us on Facebook. They actually forced us to accept their
friendship requests as they pestered us so much that we felt uncomfortable once
again. And once they became our friends they kept pestering us with silly
things uploaded on our profiles and we had to erase their comments all the time
and apologize all the time to our friends.
They have
invited us to dinner several times and we only accepted one of those
invitations. During that dinner they said their prayers and they corrected us
hundreds of times; we don’t smoke, we don’t say cheers when we drink and so on
so forth. So after so much suppression we try to avoid any sort of contact!!!
As a
mother, the one I really feel sorry for is their little kid, who is alone with
a really hysteric mother who is shouting all the time. And what really
impressed me is that their kid does not communicate with other children (he’s
only 4 years old). I saw him reacting nervously once when he raised his hand to
hit his mother.
Yet, they
have told me that they are against violence…. (Nothing sounds right to me
anymore); that’s why she told me my son is the only one she wants her kid to
hang around with because my son is calm and doesn’t hit other people. We’ve
brought up our children in a calm environment with a lot of discussions;
however, I can’t believe she does the same thing. I don’t know if I am
mistaken, but the results don’t show that.
for us, we became rude and bad with our behavior to them, because we didn’t
have any other means to make them understand we didn’t enjoy their company. But
from what I saw from a quarrel I had with her husband she showed me her teeth
as well; she just doesn’t like the truth.
We can’t
see any other way of getting rid of them but leaving this place!!!! We consider
their words – ‘we see you as our family’ and ‘we love you’ – as hypocritical
and false pretenses.
The good thing from this experience is
that I had no idea about Jehovah’s Witnesses, and now I’m planning to look for
some information through your blog since you seem to know a lot about them and
whatever I learn is good.
I would like to broaden my horizons
Thank you for your time and I hope I
haven’t tired you!!!!!
Thanks again….be well!!!
[1] Leech:
He sticks like
a leech; we use this expression to describe one that adheres persistently to
another. Literally, leeches are segmented worms; they are predominantly blood
suckers that feed on blood from vertebrate and invertebrate animals. A leech
attaches itself when it bites and it will stay attached until it becomes full,
at which point it falls off to digest (Wikipedia).
Writer Chris Pal
12 σχόλια:
Dear readers of these lines , the articles are ready , articles that will turn this team into a harmless , powerless group . Someone must eliminate on this team that's an espionage center against our nation . Their top leaders are professionals , agents who are no doubt on payroll of our enemies . Someone must repay them with the same coin , their payment's the total disaster of their group , but also the salvation of the persons that are trapped . I could not care less for the fate of their top leaders .
I concentrate on the concrete evidence that will turn this team , which's a state within our state , into pieces . I concentrate on the proof that will
wipe out this team .
She wrote that the surface' s different from reality . An e x witness , who gave an interview to a journalist , c o n f i r m s i t . The e x witness talked about the e x i s t e n c e of u n k n o w n - f o r u s - doctrines in the society of Jehova witnesses , which' s f o r b i d d e n by o u r C o n s t i t u t i o n , because the a u t h o r i t i e s c o n s i d e r a team l e g a l o n l y i f they k n o w e v e r y t h i n g about the team .
She wrote : They told me that they are against violence .
The s a m e e x witness also said : Jehova witnesses are n o t peacemakers . They h a t e the peace
movements . They u n d e r m i n e them in e v e r y way , since the society of Jehova witnesses t e a c h e s them that peace w i l l e x i s t o n l y a f t e r Jehova d e s t r o y s a l l e n e m i e s : a l l persons that d o n 't belong to the society of Jehova witnesses . A s o r d i d i n t i m i d a t i o n .
Book under the title Survivor on a new Earth , page 128 : Those people that belong to Iail team , do not raise their hand against other people who do not belong to Jehova witnesses , b u t they u s e e v e r y t h i n g they p o s s e s to face the attempts against Jehova witnesses and they let us know that they a g r e e w i t h Jehova w i l l t o d e s t r o y a l l e n e m i e s .
Pen slip , I wrote : Survivor on a new Earth . I had to write : Survival .... instead .
Dear readers , I try to arouse your interest , so you can read between the lines : When Jehova witnesses talk about e n e m i e s , they m e a n a l l u s who d o n't belong to their society , they consider u s their e n e m i e s , they o p e n l y u n d e r m i n e o u r nation , they w i l l c o n t r i b u t e to o u r d e s t r u c t i o n .
Justice fighters , try to guess w h a t Jehova witnesses m e a n by the phrase : they u s e e v e r y t h i n g they p o s s e s . Since book authors f o r g o t ( ? ) the word l e g a l a f t e r the word e v e r y t h i n g , I can suppose they can m e a n something i l - l e g a l .
Some e x witnesses w i t h the h i n d s i g h t support that Jehova witnesses ( try to ) m a n u p u l a t e persons who join their society into acts that are s t r i c t l y f o r b i d d e n by a l l the l a w s . Such acts are e s p i o n a g e against o u r country , d o c u m e n t s f o r g e r y , e c o n o m i c e x p l o i t a t i o n against their faithful persons , p r e v e n t i o n from their r e l i g i o u s o b s e r v a n c e s , d i s c o n n e c t i o n a m o n g r e l a t i v e s , g r u e s o m e i n t i m i d a t i o n by the society for d i s a s t e r in Armagedon . The e x witnesses w e r e f o r c e d to l e a v e the society for the a b o v e r e a s o n s and s h a r e their e x p e r i e n c e s with us . Some examples are for i m i t a t i o n , o t h e r examples are for a v o i d a n c e .
I try to shed light on the society since the e x witnesses c h a r g e it w i t h i l - l e g a l acts Jehova witnesses i g n o r e . For instance , the e x witnesses b l a m e the society f o r its role in other countries in which it u n d e r m i n e s their authorities u n d e r the c o v e r : obeyance in God . The society c o v e r s u p these acts . I
also try to stimulate witnesses interest so they can r e c o v e r f r o m the illness that 's called t o l e r a n c e , i n a c t i o n , i n d i f f e r e n c e , i n a c t i v i t y . The witnesses d o n 't
realise the reason why the society obtained b a d r e p u t a t i o n .
Its features , in accordance with Jesus Christ words : s n a k e s in the grass , w o l v e s in s h e e p leather . The investigators that are interested in the s a l v a t i o n of the persons who are t r a p p e d by the society , bear it in mind : Jehova witnesses can b r e a k their c h a i n s only when the t r u t h about the society c o m e o u t
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